1-on-1 LinkedIn – May 5, 2023; 9am-10am

Online Ontario

The Ottawa Job Market has never been more competitive. LinkedIn is the number one tool for recruiters to engage with you. Meet one-on-one with an Employment Consultant to optimize your profile. There are two one-hour time slots; choose yours today!

Interactive Job Search – May 5, 2023; 9am-11am

Online Ontario

This interactive virtual workshop will provide tips to help job seekers maximize their job search efforts and ability to self-market.  Topics will cover everything from tracking job search progress to essential skills employers are looking for.  We will also discuss the common job search myths...

1-on-1 LinkedIn – May 5, 2023; 1pm-2pm

Online Ontario

The Ottawa Job Market has never been more competitive. LinkedIn is the number one tool for recruiters to engage with you. Meet one-on-one with an Employment Consultant to optimize your profile. There are two one-hour time slots; choose yours today!